Matt's Cool and Interesting Blog of The New Millennium 

True Story

Here is a true story that is prompted by that picture of Napolean I posted last night:

I was going to have Napolean be a character in Fine Art. He was going to be Plato's boss at Telemarketing. I never made a strip at Plato's work, so none of these things ever occured.

This, The Daily Grind Iron-Man Cartooning Challenge, is cool. It is a challenge and bet between a bunch of prominent daily webcomic artists, including Scott Kurtz of PVP. Basically if one of the contestants is late with a posting, they lose their money. Last man standing wins.

I could see it going on for a long, long time.

Fun Photo Day

First of all there is a new Fine Art up.

Secondly, this is how my computer looked the other day:
Computers should not be like this
That's not an error message I've seen before.

Here is a picture of a dancing Sony QRIO that I forgot to post here:
Can you match these moves
I believe all robots should be required to dance.

Finally here is a painting of Napolean:

Card games

This list of card games is incredible and worth your time. I was looking for a three person trick taking game last night, since we were short one person for our favorite, Spades, and the site above helped out a lot. We played Sergeant Major which is like a combination of Spades and Asshole, and proved quite fun.

Random Game I Like #53: Animal Crossing

Despite the game being a massive fetch-quest, I like Animal Crossing. Bearing that in mind, here is Today's Fine Art.


Today I made a new Fine Art, you should see it, because, well, IT"S AWESOME.


I'm in the process of reorganizing some stuff on the internet, so in the next few days expect to say both a Dungeon update and a new archive page for projects past.

Freedom Force Versus The Third Reich

The demo to the sequel to Freedom Force is out, and I'm reviewing it now. More later. If you want to review it yourself, it's all over IGN and ilk. More later.

The demo was quite good. It had a sense of the quirkiness of the original and improved several things. The game felt faster and none of the annoying things from the first game occured (bullets just missing, stupid ai). Also, the graphics are even prettier. All in all, it looks good!

Random Game I Like #52: Soul Caliber 2

So, as I said a couple of posts ago, I purchased a Gamecube. It was used and cheap and came with Soul Caliber 2. Soul Caliber 2 is a fighting game, and, well, it's quite well done. It has a lot of levels of depth, and is fun. It's nothing spectacular, but it's worthwhile.


New Fine Art


Read this, all of it,, and tell me why my blog's name is there.

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