Matt's Cool and Interesting Blog of The New Millennium 

Explaining the Recent Lack of Updates

I've been really busy lately. Last week, I had a lot of work that was demanding but I focused on it while preparing for the four days known at Carnegie Mellon as Carnival. Basically, we get four days off, and professors try to be nice and not give us homework due the following Monday.

Four whole days off. Man was I going to relax!

It dawned on me Wednesday, however, that I have only three weeks of classes left. In those three weeks I have all of my finals, two tests, a programming project in which I need to write a good AI for the game Amazong, a paper on The Genealogy of Morals by Nietzsche, and all of the standard homeworks that need to get done on a weekly basis. Also, I need to figure what I am doing over the summer, and hopefully find some research or maybe even an internship.

So pretty much that's what I'm going to be doing over the next few weeks. I'll still update Fine Art, but don't expect too much stuff here. Sorry, but summer will provide all kinds of exciting adventures, I promise.

iPod Hacks

Apple's iPod is a triumph of form and function, design and usability. There are those of us though that believe the MP3 player could be improved. Today, I'll show you some of the magnificent modifications, unmatched updates, and heavenly hacks that I've implemented, for you to attempt on your iPod.

Storage Sextupling

I know many of you out there have more MP3s than you could count, let alone listen to. A music library so massive that you have entire supercomputers devoted to storage and playback. For these intense audiophiles, a single iPod just isn't enough. You need the storage capcity this mod provides.

Some people say that duct-tape is an unwise choice. Those people are wrong.

Boom! That's the sound of your storage sextupling.

Take it to the Max

Sure there are car stereo convertors and home audio connectors, but some of us need to hook our iPod to Sony's
latest forray into the media world. The Betamax player is capable of high quality video playback, but sometimes you need to complement that pure video with the lucid audio provided by the iPod. That's where this hack comes in handy.

The perfect solution.
(Warning, the internal wiring for this hack is difficult. Only experienced modders should attempt).

Do the detrendification shuffle

Our final hack conquers two common problems people have with their iPod. If you can't sleep at night because you are too angry that your iPod is not an iPod shuffle and also fear that perhaps your iPod marks you as a trendy so-and-so, then this hack is just for you.

Me-suh Jar Jar Binks!

How could anyone judge you as trendy now?

Good luck and happy hacking!

Journey to the Rooted Hold

Thanks to the comment person, I just found out that Journey to the Rooted Hold was released. I'm going to try out the demo soon. You should too.

Next Semester

Here is a link to the classes I'm thinking of taking next semester. People I know and don't know tell me that it's suicide to take 15-212 and 15-213 at the same time. OH WELL.



There is a new Fine Art up. Man Spring Ahead is rough like sandpaper.


Lightning has struck twice I guess. Here is an email as awesome as that one from Romero:

Dude, I will send my resume post haste

All Of My Dreams Have Come True

Check out this photo of my inbox. If nothing strikes you as THE BEST THING EVER, you probably wouldn't care.
Dude, it

The Plan

I'm going to keep this site just how it's always been. That is, with mainly written stuff. The Crappy and Sardonic Xanga will be used to repackage old-content and have some new stuff that just reuses the old stuff. I'm also going to post new Fine Art's there too.

Matt's Crappy and Sardonic Xanga Of The Ancient Past

Check it out!

It's just a fun diversion.


So, I'm making a crappy Xanga to attract more viewers to this site, and to parody myself. It's not important though.

While I was filling out the info form, this interface appeared.

Now, please explain to me which button to push to select show, and which to push to select hide. Didn't Florida have a problem with this? Something called a butterfly ballot maybe?

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