Matt's Cool and Interesting Blog of The New Millennium 

Last Week's Comic



I changed the background color. It seems less boring now. Huzzah!


I'll post the comic for this week Sunday. I drew it today, but I lack ftp software and am feeling pretty lazy. Sorry for the inconvenience.

An Open Letter

Dear Nicolas Cage and Those Parties Responsible for the film National Treasure,

I have not seen your film, yet I fear if I would see it, I would have many problems with it. Please allow me to be blunt, I know that there is much money to be made in the market currently dominated by Dan Brown's novel, The DaVinci Code, however I feel that the best thing to do is not to make a film that so heavy-handedly mimics said fiction.

Mr. Cage, I enjoyed your previous work in films such as Adaptation. You are a skilled actor and I believe you should be able to enjoy acting in roles of your choosing. However, I do not believe a film such as National Treasure is the best way to further your career.

Once again, please spare the box office such films.

Thank you,
Matthew Fister

Random Game I Like #44: Viewtiful Joe

Viewtiful Joe is on of those games that has everything I look for in a game: interesting gameplay, non-cluttering (slick even) graphics, and fun. It's really a testament to the ability for a non fully 3d game to be enjoyable for reasons other than retro-appeal. You have to see this game.

Figure Out the Hidden Message!

First person to do so in a comment wins.

Mortimer valley unifer sellinox
rat tale fenix reality superman
pitt heathen spellbound friday
pattie fried Yellow juniper thoth
fred's ran honey garden fish
tell sandcastle suikoden

It's a possessive proper noun. First person to comment with the correct answer wins respect.


I'm not sure if I'll update this over break, so if not, have a happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Random Game I Like #43: Evil Genius

Wow two days in a row of random games I like! You can tell what I've been up to this weekend.

Anyway, Evil Genius is a fun strategy game in the style of Dungeon Keeper, but with more Dr. Evilnish. It's worthwhile but very addicting and time-consuming. But if you have the time, try it.

EDIT: Thanks for the number change, Alan.

Random Game I Like #42: Call of Duty

Call of Duty is the most intense war first person shooter I have ever played. The AI is great and the sounds are immersive.

Here It Is, Your Cool Friday Comic

This Friday the comic is special for Thanksgiving! Hooray!

Marty soon found out that the fire was no accident, but in fact, his family

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