Silly job 

Silly job

I had a job today. I know that you're asking yourself: who would a hoopy frood like Matt Fister work for?

Well, it was for Rohm and Haas.

They make powder products for a bunch of electronic companies.

They also are responsible for Morton Salts and the Morton salt girl.


I did not see the girl in the building where I worked. She may have had the day off.

I got this job through a temp agency, Chris Talarico and Associates, this is my first job through them, but they seem like a good company to work for. I was told that Rohm and Haas, was mass mailing a bunch of client companies and needed someone to stuff envelopes.

MattF to the rescue!

I got to work at 8:00. Right when I arrived I realized that I forgot my lunch. The day wasn't off to a good start.

I met my contact, and found out that they wouldn't be ready to print the letter's to be mailed for an hour. There were about 350 letters to be sent, and they figured it would take until 5:00 PM to finish up. Until they were ready for me I got to surf the internet. If I could get payed to surf the internet all of the time, my life would be very good.

I started stuffing envelopes at 9:45. I finished stuffing envelopes at 12:15.

I'm really good at stuffing envelopes. I stuffed 350 envelopes in 2 and a half hours. At that speed, in one 8 hour day I could stuff 1400 envelopes.

Since this was all they had for me to do, I then went home. This was good because I could then eat lunch.

So, want to hire the fastest envelope stuffer on the East Coast?

Matt Fister is available.

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Comment Nope

Sat Sep 18, 2004 11:00 pm MST by Anonymous

Comment Is there any way to leave my website instead of a stupid email address! I do not want spam, but I do want visitors.

Fri Jul 9, 2004 2:19 pm MST by Haskerman

Comment So, do they pay you hourly or do they pay you by the job? If they pay you hourly, your effort, while noble, was a waste of vigor and finacially damaging to you. Otherwise, keep up the good work.

Fri Jul 9, 2004 2:18 pm MST by Haskerman

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