The Hazards of Miniature Golf 

The Hazards of Miniature Golf

You know how in all of those stupid ice-breaking things you've done you are always asked, "what's your most embarassing moment?" This question is intended to break down everyone's defenses make them all feel like they're on the same level.

My problem is that I've never been able to think of something embarassing, and usually go with, "well, it seems that this would be my most embarassing moment since I can't come up with anything".

I'll no longer have to do this...

Last night, miniature golfing at Shell's, I hit a spectacular shot that fell off a ravine, hit the bank of a pond, bounced up and laterally across the ravine, and landed back in the water. The strange middle-aged couople behind me let out an "aw" and I hung my head in shame and walked across the ravine to retrieve my ball.

Suddenly, I had a foot in water, then another one. Somehow I had tripped while crossing the ravine and landed in the pool.
The strange couple was chokingly silent, two young girls to my right couldn't stop laughing, and the party ahead of me was staring awkwardly. I scrambled up back onto the green, let out a few laughs to show all was in good fun, and finished up the back nine squishy footedly.

To prevent this from happening to anyone else, please take this pledge:

I will not cross a ravine between too bodies of water, when I could instead cross a bridge.

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