Matt's Cool and Interesting Guide to Summer Fun 

Matt's Cool and Interesting Guide to Summer Fun

Ok, it's Summer, your job hasn't started yet, and you're bored. This is the definitive guide to what you should can do. Some of these take more than one person, so you may need a friend.

1. Play Nethack.

Nethack is a single player dungeon crawling computer game. It also is the most difficult game ever made. If you want to make things more interesting, post your high scores here as a comment. Mine is 20,000 points with a male elf wizard. Before you play though, make sure you read the guide or you will surely be lost.

2. Go Outside. (you're silly if you clicked on that link!)

This is challenging, you have to get up and walk outside. "But, Matt once I'm there, what shall I do?" you ask. Well, that's up to you. There are many things to do outside, just use your imagination.

3. Play texas hold'em poker. Go here for a bearable summary of the rules. Note: This will require several friends, about four, maybe!

4. Play 1000 blank white cards.

This will also require a bunch of friends, preferably, really creative friends. It's really a lot of fun though.

5. Play Fingers!

Find one other person, anyone will do! Tell them that they are going to play fingers, and on the count of three hold up any number of fingers. Count to three. Both of you then hold up some fingers The player with the most fingers up wins! Play until all games are ties. Then...

6. Play Anti-Fingers. Find more friends. The more the better. Now tell them all these rules: First we'll count to three, then all players will hold up any number of fingers. The player with the lowest number of fingers (with one being the lowest) wins. If any number of players tie, they all lose, and the player holding up the next highest number of fingers wins.
So... If Abbey, Beckey, Curt, Danial, Ebert, Fred, and Greigor were all playing fingers, and Abbey held one finger, and all other players held up two fingers, Abbey would win. But if, Abbey and Beckey both held up one finger, Curt held up two fingers, and Danial, Ebert, Fred, and Greigor all held up three fingers, Curt would win. Finally, if Abbey and Beckey held up two fingers, Curt and Danial held up three fingers, Ebert and Fred held up four fingers, and Greigor held up all 10 fingers, Greigor would win.

Now hopefully, you understand the complex game of Anti-Fingers.

Good luck, have fun!

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Sat Jun 12, 2004 1:16 am MST by World-class Online Casino Guid

Comment hey, i am thinking about having a game night thing this weekend and we should totally play the blank cards game. p.s. ever since you taught me fingers, my life has never been the same. -kayla

Mon May 17, 2004 12:34 pm MST by Anonymous

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