Why I blog 

Why I blog

I filled out a survey on blogging the other day, and it asked me why I blog.

I couldn't answer, so I just picked one of their multiple choice answers.

After thinking about it for a couple of days, I think I might know the answer. Kayla and I discussed blogging a while ago, and she said she though that the reason for all the whiny Xangas out there is due to what she called an "invisible audience". People who wrote these things because they thought or wanted to believe that someone read what they wrote, that someone cared about what they had to say, even if all they have to say is how much their life sucks or rocks at any given moment.

This is partly why I blog, but I think this is more accurate. My blog is really just a place for me to write. Stupid game reviews especially, when I can't think of anything else to say. But occasionally I'll think of something funny, or write a poem, or simply want to announce something, or link somewhere else. Everyone who writes simply wants to be read. By writing here I have the chance for others to read what I write. I know that most people who happen upon this site through Google or some other method, probably doesn't care, but maybe someone does read something once and a while, and it makes them think, or laugh, or try out a random game (they all are really good, I swear).

I blog because I want others to hear what I have to say. And so, I'll keep on blogging.

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