Matt's Cool and Interesting Blog of The New Millennium |
AGAINST ALL ODDS!So, there is finally a new Fine Art in existence. The redirect server that let you access it from looks unhealthy. Now it says FORBIDDEN if you go there. Earlier in the day it said, Gutentag! Sorry for the downtime:/
Riddle me this...Anyone know a good, free way to promote my webcomic, Fine Art? I know this isn't much of a riddle, but I would appreciate a good answer. Thanks! Whoa!Have you seen the recently redesigned It's really super cool. Check out You Bet Your Bipper It's Pongo And Pipper. Huzzah! Soooo...Not much to say here. Lore Sjoberg's Bandwidth Theater is fun if you haven't seen it yet. Icicle PickingAfter the recent snow and cold weather in Pittsburgh, these icicles started to grow outside the third floor common room window.
Read This ComicRandom Game I Like #50: The Legend of Zelda: The Minish CapThe Game Boy Advance Game is quite good, and reminds me of good times with Link to the Past. I'm not that far into it, so I'm not sure how long it will go, but I like it a lot. TomorrowFine Art tomorrow will be pretty good. I wrote it today! The 10 Habits of Highly Successful PeopleI've felt that I've been very successful today. Here are some habits so you can be successful like me:
$10 Pants$10 pants, too cheap or too expensive? That is the subject of this paper. You see, it all began when I was born. A few years later, I thought to myself, I think I am too big for my pants.
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